
"Because Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction"

Everybody has stories to tell, those moments in life that stand out strongly above the steady hum of day to day living, moments in time that seem to define one's understanding with clarity. The Story Dome captures and presents these life stories for all to experience and learn from.

Physically, The Story Dome is a 9 foot high by 9 foot around covered dome structure with interior seating, that is lit by night. The installation is completely powered by a solar panel/battery system, so needs no grid connection to run and can be presented in remote locations as appropriate. The primary design includes a centrally located motion activated recording device and speakers. During timeslots posted on a chalk board, the installation's audio elements are either set to record or to play. Other designs include a large record button setup that allows the participant more control of when to record. As part of the design, the structure will be clearly marked in multiple places as a dedicated record zone.

The stories gleaned from the installation are presented several ways. Onsite, they are played back in random order during the designated "Play Times" that are in rotation with the "Record Times". After an event, the collected stories are audio enhanced and formatted, but not edited, and added to the ever growing collection of participants' stories, thoughts and recollections. In the second phase of the project, when the story catalog is robust enough to be of interest, the collection will be presented online, following the theme of streaming random order playback.

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